Saturday, July 28, 2012

Gabriola Island Saturday Market

Last week we took a trip to Gabriola Island, just off Nanaimo B.C. A perfect sunny Saturday to explore somewhere new, and take in, what turned out to be a really great market. As 'they' say, a picture is worth ....... so here are a lot of pictures of Gabriola Islands' Saturday Market.

Everyone was shopping, selling, and just generally enjoying the day.
These guys from Slow Rise Organic Bakery had forty feet of tables set up at opening time.

I thought I'd go back, near the end of the Market for some beets that I'd been thinking of. You snooze, you lose, no produce, and the bread guys were packed up and gone, no bread, no tables, no evidence that they'd ever been there. But I know they were, as we'd enjoyed a scone at the beach and brought home a couple of loaves of heavenly bread. Apparently it is sold in Nanaimo on certain Market days. I feel a road trip in the near future. Yum.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tonights' Dinner

Lots to offer from the garden these days. Beautiful bouquets ... the lilies are really taking off, photos soon. What has made me pause at this dinner preparing hour, is the simple pleasure of good honest food from our garden.

A salad, the first of the broad beans, new potatoes, that have me remembering digging them last year with a Granddaughter, and jewel like raspberries, our (almost) first taste. In all honesty, I did sample a few yesterday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Honeymoon Bay Outdoor Market

Once again our little community put on a fun filled weekend known as "Bay Days". There was a talent show, parade, kids' activities, fireworks and more to occupy a family. My focus was the Outdoor Market, which is in its' sixth year of operation.

 This was the 'shack' showing a couple of the bouquets, and some patio tomatoes for sale.
More "Flowers For Sale" in another corner of the booth.

These peonys' are spectacular. I don't know a lot about them, just notice that there are two distinct flowers on the same plant. One all double ruffles, and the other almost a single with a pronounced yellow centre. The limey green in the background is Alchemia mollis, or Ladys' Mantle.
 Climbing hydrangea, and Constance Spry roses.

This West coast rainforest weather we've been having certainly agrees with the garden. I didn't think much was going on out there, and came in with an armload of bouquet material. Abundance.
Here's a link to another Blog with more Market pictures. Enjoy.