Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Garden Pics

This old pale yellow, "Own root " rose has only been in place four years. It must be very happy, as it's taking over the porch. I give it a drink of fish fert twice before it blooms, then I try to keep up with dead heading, but that's nearly impossible!. In the foreground is my potted gardens. We have very little soil, so I grow most everything in raised beds, or pots. These are 15 - 20 gal size from a nursery that sells trees.
I was checking out Erin Benzakeins' flower farm blog this morning, and she inspired me to get out and snap a few pics. It has been so cold here ... 'How cold was it?' ... well under seasonal averages, and everything seems to be shivering.
However, I do have a few nice vignettes in the yard.
Fairies must live here, don't you think?
There are loads of places for the wee folk. My Granddaughters and I discover special hiding places, and try to make good Fairies welcome.
So, even in the cold, dreary June we've had, there is an abundance of beauty around. You just have to get out and have a look. Thanks Erin from Floret.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Short 'n sweet

Our computer has been acting up, perhaps a case of the flu? So it makes it difficult to post, however, there are a few pics' worth sharing.

These are Pink Fawn Lilies, from the Honeymoon Bay Wild Flower Reserve . They bloom in early Spring, and carpet the forest floor for a couple of weeks, but if you miss them, you have to wait another year to see them. Fleeting and beautiful.

This is lovely old "Vulcan" rhododendron at our front porch. Quite a show, it almost glows.
I'm at a lul between late Spring flowers, and some summer blooms. June is proving to be unseasonably cool and wet, so things are taking some time. However, our 12'-14' temperature is promising to heat up next week! Peonys are on the horizon.