Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Road Trip Continues

Dunster, just a short drive through beautiful countryside from McBride, has its' own flavour. Not vanilla. Look at this Flower Bridge! Someone(s) have taken the time to create art on the 'no posts' and bridge rails. Difficult to photograph, but a delight to see.
Anyway, back in McBride , my daughter and son-in-law took my little girls and I up "McBride Peak". It was a fab, 4-wheel ride up the mountain, and half way up was a primitive shelter. The 'Mighty Fraser River' is just beginning here, and is very serpentine in its' track. Not at all like Hells' Gate in the Fraser canyon.
Later in my visit we went to the farm where my son-in-law grew up, and his parents let the kids grow a garden. The cabbages, although beautiful just as they were in the garden, were even more delicious as cabbage rolls!
I had a wonderful time exploring a part of the province I don't know very well. Not to mention spending some time with my family. All too soon, I was off to Blind Bay, via Valemount and Kamloops. Funny how I don't want to leave one place, and at the same time I'm excited to press on to new adventures.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I've been away on what I lovingly call my "Nana Tour". I haven't dropped off the map, more like, I've driven the map! I left Vancouver Island and visited friends and family in Hope, Prince George, McBride, and Blind Bay. I was treated to meals out and wonderful home cooked food, shopping and walking and playing, Oh my! I took the sewing machine and hemmed curtains for both daughters, spent some catch-up 'I love you' time with granddaughters that are growing and changing too fast.
On my way to Prince George, I was drawn in by a road sign in Quesnel. Edgewood Farm and an arrow to turn left at the next intersection. The words 'farm' and 'home dec' got me interested, so off I went. What I found, was a working farm, where one of the barns had been turned into a fab shop, and the flower cutting gardens were still in bloom. I had to have a "Farmers Market" apron, then pressed on to dinner with friends. 
My girlfriend of fifty years, and her husband welcomed me to their new home. Such a labour of love. Love for each other, their music, and the land around them. What a treat.
My next post will continue with my road-trip to McBride and more.
Before I left, I had to have travelling music, so took Il Volo . Beyond good! Ciao!