Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog Break

Hi Kids;
 I'm in the midst of being Nana, and find my attention to the grand daughters' is all encompassing. Blog to resume early in April.
This is a pic (from last year!) of a Pink Fawn Lily in the flower preserve at Honeymoon Bay. If you're close enough, it's well worth the trip to take a walk about in the reserve, maybe mid-April?? Pack a picnic lunch, or drop in at the Coffee Mill for lunch!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Grow a bowl of Strawberries

I love good food. I like planning a menu, shopping for it (mainly around the perimeter of the store, or farm gates, or a local market) and preparing it. I especially like checking my garden to see what's available, and planning my food choices around that.
An article in the local paper caught my eye today, Plant yourself a bowl of strawberries!
Now is the time we need to get out and dig in the earth, and feel really alive.
This is what happens to something that looks like a possible 'raised bed' around our house. You plant squash and nasturtiums and beautiful food happens! This was part of last years' crop, and this week the earth gets rejuvenated and ready for a new garden.
Happy planting.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Lambs

What a pleasure it was to go out to Lindahl Farm for a visit, and to see the new lambs.
Anybody have a snack??

Although it's still chilly, and rainy, and mucky, you just have to smile at these lovely ladies. I had a great day looking around the farm, and then a 'cuppa' inside by the fire, visiting with Marilyn. A perfect day.
You can buy glassware, meat, honey or eggs from the farm, here's their website and email address
Happy Spring!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Flowers

 My husband and I finally were able to get outside long enough to take down Christmas lights today, and look what we found. Aconite and snowdrops. The snow has just left the yard, so I'm sure they were blooming under the snow. Fresh snow on the hills, so it's still quite cold to work in the garden, although I did start cleaning up some debris. Now it must be teatime!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Day in the Country

This past weekend was Seedy Saturday in Cobble Hill. My neighbour and I went out on a bit of an adventure. First stop was the Hall at Cobble Hill, and even before we went inside to find seeds, there were plants and birdhouses galore in the parking lot.
I really like sedum, and whenever I find one I don't have, I buy it. Lots to choose from, but only one I don't have, ...or probably don't have;)
The crowds were out in force, and from what I saw the vendors were kept busy.
Next stop, chocolate! It's amazing that a drive in the country can be so satisfying. Here's a link to their website.
Chocolate bars in hand, we were off to The Loom where creativity knows no bounds!

This link takes you to Whippletree Junction, where The Loom, and Leolas' Studio are located. It's the kind of place where you just feel welcome. With inspiration at every turn, wasn't I lucky to be there when these beautiful felted purses were brought in by their designer and creator? I asked about taking the picture, but didn't get the designers' name. Aren't they lovely? The black piece on the front purse is a knitted and felted Ginkgo leaf design.

Well, we were ready for lunch, and a stop at a nursery before heading home. On our way, much to my delight ... sheep!
We pulled over to the side of the road, and snapped a few photos through the fence. They just make my heart happy! And to think, their lovely wool could be the next designer bag.
Have a lovely week.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Think Spring

This weekend is Seedy Saturday in Cobble Hill, at the Hall. I'll be going with a girlfriend, and we may strike out on another 'road trip' at the end of April to the Victoria Dahlia Societys' plant and tuber sale. Too much of a good thing? How is that possible?

We've taken up a walking regime, and I certainly feel better for it. We watched the weather today, for the perfect (read 'least wet') time to go for a stroll, and decided walk now, lunch later. While lacing up my shoes, a great bluster of wind and rain hit at the windows, it made me laugh, but not discouraged, off we went. Fresh!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cabin Fever

What a lovely day my husband and I had yesterday. I think we were suffering a bit from 'cabin fever' and decided to break out! There was an Antique show and sale in Chemainus which got us started, and the promise of Spring at a garden centre. I went in to find a specific rose, and I ask you, how does one make a selection when faced with this?
Good intentions went out the window, but honestly I felt very restrained, because I only came out with two roses and a packet of seeds.
Travelling the back roads and enjoying the countryside is always a pleasure, especially on a sunny day after the round of weather we've just had. These particular back roads yielded a delicious stop. Saison Market is more than a bakery in the country, it really is an experience.

You can see a lot more on their website, here.

What a wonderful day, and to top it off, a glass or two of wine by the fire with my sweet husband.