Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Moving on

Off I go, down the road from McBride, past beautiful farms, and travel near the mountains through Valemount. Such a great day to just simply be.

 A few relaxing, fun days into my visit with another daughter and Grand-daughters, we hear of "Donkey Days" at a donkey rescue centre in Turtle Valley, so off we go to enjoy the day, (and the donkeys).

Thanksgiving Dinner
 This is half of an organic turkey my daughter bought from the farm down the road. Aren't we lucky? It just fit into the roasting pan, ... can't imagine what kind of an oven it would take to cook the whole bird! Such a feast, and not only Thanksgiving, but my grand-daughters' 9th Birthday as well.

Before I head for home, I go along for a horseback riding lesson. The girls don't just go and jump on a horse, they must clean hoofs, brush the horses coat, and saddle up. Then the riding begins!

Of course I think she's a 'natural'.
Pretty soon it's time to git-along-little-doggie.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Road Trip Continues

Dunster, just a short drive through beautiful countryside from McBride, has its' own flavour. Not vanilla. Look at this Flower Bridge! Someone(s) have taken the time to create art on the 'no posts' and bridge rails. Difficult to photograph, but a delight to see.
Anyway, back in McBride , my daughter and son-in-law took my little girls and I up "McBride Peak". It was a fab, 4-wheel ride up the mountain, and half way up was a primitive shelter. The 'Mighty Fraser River' is just beginning here, and is very serpentine in its' track. Not at all like Hells' Gate in the Fraser canyon.
Later in my visit we went to the farm where my son-in-law grew up, and his parents let the kids grow a garden. The cabbages, although beautiful just as they were in the garden, were even more delicious as cabbage rolls!
I had a wonderful time exploring a part of the province I don't know very well. Not to mention spending some time with my family. All too soon, I was off to Blind Bay, via Valemount and Kamloops. Funny how I don't want to leave one place, and at the same time I'm excited to press on to new adventures.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I've been away on what I lovingly call my "Nana Tour". I haven't dropped off the map, more like, I've driven the map! I left Vancouver Island and visited friends and family in Hope, Prince George, McBride, and Blind Bay. I was treated to meals out and wonderful home cooked food, shopping and walking and playing, Oh my! I took the sewing machine and hemmed curtains for both daughters, spent some catch-up 'I love you' time with granddaughters that are growing and changing too fast.
On my way to Prince George, I was drawn in by a road sign in Quesnel. Edgewood Farm and an arrow to turn left at the next intersection. The words 'farm' and 'home dec' got me interested, so off I went. What I found, was a working farm, where one of the barns had been turned into a fab shop, and the flower cutting gardens were still in bloom. I had to have a "Farmers Market" apron, then pressed on to dinner with friends. 
My girlfriend of fifty years, and her husband welcomed me to their new home. Such a labour of love. Love for each other, their music, and the land around them. What a treat.
My next post will continue with my road-trip to McBride and more.
Before I left, I had to have travelling music, so took Il Volo . Beyond good! Ciao!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dogs just wanna have fun

 Here we are playing on the beach at Port Renfrew. Calis' friend, a one year old Lab named Ralph were great beach buddies.

After all was said and done, our 'dirty dog' just wanted to relax at my feet. The end of a perfect day.

Just Breathe

This was our view on a recent camping trip to Port Renfrew, located on the West coast of Vancouver Island.

Funny how I don't think there's much stress being retired in Honeymoon Bay, and yet, just a couple of days 'away', I felt rejuvenated. As my Mother used to say "A change is as good as a rest." and this was both.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yard Renovations

The side yard, which until a couple of years ago, was a no-mans'-land waste of space, is looking pretty spiffy this week.  "We" put in raised beds along the south side of the house, and a fire-pit. The vintage trailer is along the fence line and has a small patio where we have a collection of old Motel chairs, that I recently painted happy colours. I also painted a sunflower on the tabletop.
The uneven, disaster of a lawn couldn't be saved, so I put down fabric and graveled it, and Ken put in a gate and stairs from the covered porch.
What kind of projects are on the go with you?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Puppy Love

New puppy at our house!
Cali's a one year old Labradoodle, ... heavy on the Doodle. At about 30 pounds, we don't expect her to get much bigger, as she's a pretty good "lap-dog" at this size. She comes from a family in Nanaimo, and as situations changed, a new home was needed. We feel lucky to have her as part of our family now.
Lucky too, that the dog park is just across the way, and folks take their dogs daily at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for a good run and socializing. (both the people and the dogs!) 
We've always used resources at the Library, and guess what? They have Cesar the "Dog Whisperer" books and tapes. We've only had her for three days, and I suppose bad habits or patterns could already be apparent, but so far, so good. I have to learn to be the Alpha "Mom" and all things take time. She sleeps well (on our bed, as we're big suckers) and I'm learning to walk her on a leash. The plan for next month is to take Cali camping with us to the ocean. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Garden Pics

For whatever reason, I've been having a difficult time publishing posts lately. Perhaps my computer has 'something' going on, or perhaps it's just 'operator error'! Let's try again!

This is a peek at Damali Lavender Farm . Lots going on there, and a real treat to be there, and walk the Labyrinth.

 I'm becoming more and more interested in Labyrinths, their history and uses. I'm studying, just to be better informed, of course, but also to be able to facilitate walks, here in Honeymoon Bay. Years ago when the Retreat was asking for community input, I requested a Labyrinth, and they built one, so I need to go and make use of it.

This is how my side garden looks today. I can hardly believe my good fortune at how lush this double blue clematis is. Fish fertilizer, early on when it was setting buds is the only thing I can think of. Lucky me!
Tea time, so I'm going to take a 'cuppa' out to the garden.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Camping Trip

We recently went on the first camping trip of the season. I'm feeling that the 'summer' is getting away from us, with its' late start and not many sunny days in a row. However, I'm determined to make the best of it, so off we went to San Juan River Bridge campsite.

We walked down along the river, and at the edge I spotted a bunch of black stuff. ... As we got closer the black stuff revealed itself to be tadpoles!
What happens to frogs after they lay eggs? The campsite was really quiet at night, but I bet it will be full of froggies singing in about a month or so!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Point No Point Honeymoon

Ken & I celebrated our Tenth wedding anniversary by having a second honeymoon at Point No Point Resort on the West coast of Vancouver Island.

A perfect, not so little cabin in the woods, at the edge of the Pacific. We slept to the sounds of ocean waves, and woke to foghorns and the smell of salt air. We spent evenings on our private deck, or inside curled up by the fire. No phones or computers, just the two of us enjoying some wine, and each other.

Although we did cook in the cabin, we went to the restaurant for our anniversary dinner, and again for lunch after we checked out. The food was so flavourful, I've been inspired to look through cookbooks and up my game a bit.
There are trails on the property that we walked every day. I've gotta say, it's a magical place.


I seem to be gushing about this place, and truly, for me, it was the perfect second honeymoon. Big love.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Funky Stuff

This past weekend found us at Cowichan Bays' Art Walk. What a great collection of artists and crafters, and a perfect weekend to get out and enjoy local talent. I spoke to Jennifer Lawson, a lovely woman and fine artist. Her 'specialty' is House Portraits, and charming pastoral scenes. I then ran into Julie King. We worked together and lived in Shawnigan Lake years ago. Good to see her and her art again.

Cowichan Bay is North Americas' first Citta Slow community. Their website is worth a look. Here is a glimpse of the Artisan Bakery. There is also a local cheese maker, and a homemade ice cream shop.
A community on a Bay has to have a marina, and this one is no exception. Funky floathomes included! And for sale signs on some of them ...

After a day of holidaying in our own backyard, we took the slow road home. Somehow it just seemed wrong to travel at 100 clicks on the highway after visiting 'the slow city'. On the way I spotted this interesting roadside stand.


Along with farm fresh veggies, there was authentic enamelware, and painted wooden boxes. And then there was the sign. You may not be able to make it out, but the last entry reads " Fresh Organically grown food. NO FUNKY STUFF!!"

I love it!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cowichan Summer

Summer in "The Warmland" is full of opportunity. Last week I went to a U-Pick strawberry farm, and loaded up on local berries.

This past weekend was the Visions Art Tour and we went from the north to the south, visiting several unique studios.

In the midst of all this touring, and appreciating Art, one gets hungry! We ended up at a marina for lunch. The food was great, and the view, breathtaking. We took the opportunity to walk the dock where the float homes were. The variety and creativity people showed in their places was inspirational. I think I have to go home and paint something.

And look! This last one is For Sale!!